----- Forwarded message from Maria Arnott -----
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From: Maria Arnott
To: "'newz-flash(a)'"
Subject: [NewZ-Flash] Pending Changes to Domainz Systems - Registrar Workshops
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2000 09:25:47 +1300
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Dear list members,
You are probably aware of the changes that are in the air for Domainz.
Domainz is in the process of putting together workshops to brief Registrars
on pending changes to Domainz' systems.
Domainz is targeting Internet Service Providers and Webdesigners to enable
them to understand and plan for changes to their systems when they
interface with the new Domainz' registration system.
The workshops will provide a briefing session giving an overview of the
Systems Redevelopment including an application walk-through and familiarity
Of particular importance to ISP's and Webdesigners will be how the changes
may impact their systems for submission of requests to Domainz'
registration service.
We anticipate that the workshops will commence in early February.
If you'd like to be kept informed or wish to express your interest in
attending a workshop in your area, please email m.arnott(a) and
in your subject header type 'Workshops'.
My Regards,
Maria Arnott
Voice: 04 473 4567
Fax: 04 473 4569
email: m.arnott(a)
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