Hey Guys, With regards to http://www.tcf.org.nz/content/2be38e66-1b2e-4e6f-a6e4-98f8d156f36e.html & http://www.comcom.govt.nz/customer-transfer-code , I'd like to know if the law requires an ISP to notify the losing service provider (LSP) when a churn of broadband is being done. While using wireline (Chorus Wholesale) to initiate a transfer of broadband services, the LSP has to be selected and the ASID for the broadband to be entered, when this data has been validated and and RFS date is confirmed for when the DSL will transfer, wireline creates a Notification which can be viewed through the wireline portal. If providers are using the B2B system, these notifications are available through the directSupplyBillingCessationAdvice, "Direct Supply Notifcation" & "Losing Service Provider Notification" which can be obtained by cronjob right away which I see as a notification to the LSP. My questions are 1./ Is the wireline notification enough to count on for the gaining service provider 2./ Should the gaining service provider contact the other chorus wholesaler and personally notify them too? 3./ If the provider is not directly with chorus, do we contact the direct wholesaler as well as their wholesaler? 4./ If a notification isn't sent manually and we rely on the chorus notification are we acting illegally? 5./ The documents mentioned above to they cover POTS and DSL services or only POTS? I guess the same could be asked for IPMS or porting of phone numbers. My understanding is that IPMS is used for notifications to the LSP which they have to approve so this should be enough for them to know that the service is being migrated away from them? Thanks Barry Murphy
participants (1)
Barry Murphy