All: I'm currently working (personally, not with my ICONZ hat on) on a collective community network project and I find myself in need of a cisco 6000 series chassis. I'm after a WS-C6006 or 6009 (though a 6003 would also be fine, at this stage).[1] Just the chassis required, no need for a supervisor or any other modules. If anyone has upgraded to a 6500 or higher unit and has one of the older chassis hanging around, with _or without any PSU modules_, I am more than willing to exchange some (limited) cash, or beer, or fetching of coffee, or OUTRAGEOUS flattery[2] for it. I'd be willing to pick up or arrange shipping from almost anywhere in NZ or AU. If you can help, please let me know. Thanks in advance. JSR [1] If you have a spare 6500 chassis, that's a bit overkill for this project - but don't let that stop you from contacting me! [2] For example, an elaborate posting to the mailing list/blog/web forum/newsgroup of your choice detailing how your pure transcendant geek kung fu makes it seem like jets of fire shoot from your very soul and light up the lives of all around you.
participants (1)
John S Russell