Hi NZNOG Community,
I realize that Andy Linton sent this to the list a couple of weeks ago.
However please note that 36/8 and 42/8 have now been added as
newly allocated address blocks managed, by APNIC.
Kind regards,
Filtering Previously Unallocated Addresses
APNIC recognizes that as the IANA pool of unallocated IPv4 addresses
nears exhaustion, there may be increasing community concern about the
quality of the new address blocks made available for distribution.
It is important that you ensure your router Access Control Lists (ACLs)
are updated so addresses are not mistakenly filtered through your
routers. It may also be time to consider whether you should stop any
form of BOGON filtering.
This is especially important for newly allocated address blocks:
Keep informed about IANA allocations at:
For those with recently allocated address space here are several tips
to check whether your IP Addresses are filtered:
* Your own firewall might be blocking the new IP addresses by
default, if you set up your servers to block bogon IP ranges. To
avoid blocking potential new customers, consider whether you
should stop any form of BOGON filtering.
* Run a traceroute to see if the new IP is consistently blocked
along the same network path. It is advisable also, to test
forward and reverse paths. Use of technology like the Routing
Information Service (RIS) is highly recommended to assist in
identifying routing conditions for prefixes under test.
* Do a search on your IP address and contact those organizations
that appear to be blocking you. You may be blocked due to
activity of one of your customers.
* Use a looking glass service as part of the diagnostic tool, set
to detect network filters.
Ongoing testing
As part of our service commitment to our Members and the wider
community, APNIC is working hard to evaluate the usability of address
space allocated to APNIC before it is distributed.
For further information on Resource Quality Assurance and the testing
results, visit:
For further assistance, contact:
APNIC Secretariatsecretariat(a)apnic.net
Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC) Tel: +61 7 3858 3100
PO Box 2131 Milton, QLD 4064 Australia Fax: +61 7 3858 3199
Level 1, 33 Park Road, Milton, QLDhttp://www.apnic.net
* Sent by email to save paper. Print only if necessary.
The New Zealand Network Operators' Group
The NZNOG mailing list exists to facilitate discussion among operators
of networks in New Zealand on matters relevant to network operators as
described in the list's Acceptable Use Policy. That policy appears later
in this posting.
The NZNOG Trust is registered as a charitable entity under the Charities
Act. The trust exists to provide the legal framework needed to do jobs
like operating the bank account which holds the money which allows our
annual conferences to happen.
Other than the four trustees, the NZNOG does not have a formal membership.
NZNOG holds New Zealand's only annual technical networking conference.
The next conference is scheduled for the week beginning 24 January 2011
in Wellington, to be hosted by Vodafone. The call for participation can
be read at
http://list.waikato.ac.nz/pipermail/nznog/2010-November/017047.html .
Other Meetings
See http://thursdaynightcurry.com/ if you live in or near Auckland or
Operators' Contact List
See http://www.nznog.org/?page_id=6 for operational contact details for
most New Zealand ISP's. These are intended for use by other network
operators, not by most customers.
Internet Exchanges
See http://www.nzix.net/ for details of exchanges in operation.
About This Mailing List
This list has around 1100 addresses subscribed. You may only post to the
list from a subscribed address. A number of people subscribe
addresses which do not receive email purely to allow posting from them.
You may choose to receive postings as they come in, or just to receive
daily "digests". See the bottom of the page
http://list.waikato.ac.nz/mailman/listinfo/nznog/ to change the form in
which you receive postings.
The NZNOG mailing list is provided through a server at The University of
Waikato, and is administered by employees of APN Online, Citylink, and
The University of Waikato. None of these organisations, nor any
administrator, is responsible for its content.
NZNOG Mailing List Acceptable Use Policy
The NZNOG mailing list exists to provide a forum for the exchange of
technical information and the discussion of implementation issues
that require cooperation among New Zealand network service providers.
In order to continue to provide a useful forum for discussion of
relevant technical issues, users of the list are asked to respect the
following guidelines.
1. Discussion will focus on Internet operational and technical
2. Discussion related to meetings of network service providers is
3. Discussion unrelated to these topics is not appropriate.
4. Postings to multiple mailing lists are discouraged.
5. Postings that include foul language, character assassination, and
lack of respect for other participants are unacceptable.
6. Blatant product or service marketing is unacceptable.
7. Postings of a political, philosophical or legal nature are
8. Postings to the list should be in ASCII or MIME encoded as
text/plain. Attachments should not be sent to the list. To
present a document, a suitable URL may be referred to. For
documents of general interest, the use of proprietary file
formats is discouraged.
9. Breaches of list etiquette should be dealt with privately with the
offending list user, and should not result in complaints being
sent to the list.
10. A person repeatedly breaching list etiquette shall receive warnings
from the list administrator. A further breach after the second such
warning within thirty days shall result in the offender being
unsubscribed from the list. Other action may also be taken to block
postings to the list by the offender. Any such unsubscription is to
be immediately announced to the list.
Mailing List Archives
A full archive is available at http://list.waikato.ac.nz/pipermail/nznog/ .
Any message sent to the list will be archived and made available on the
web automatically. Changes are not made to the archive on request,
though the administrators remain happy to assist the Office of the
Privacy Commissioner should any complaint be laid with that office.
One way to search the archive is to use google and prefix your search
with site:list.waikato.ac.nz .
Subscribing to the List
See http://list.waikato.ac.nz/mailman/listinfo/nznog to subscribe.
Donald Neal
NZNOG Mailing List Owner/Administrator/Muggins
Donald Neal | I don't approve of gambling. I'll just
| spend my time in the bar.
High Performance Computing | - NZNOG 2010 attendee
The University of Waikato |
[Apologies for duplicates...]
     NZNOG 2011 - Call for Participation and Papers
The next conference of the New Zealand Network Operators' Group is to be
held in Wellington, New Zealand between 26 January and 28 January 2011. Our
host is Vodafone New Zealand.
NZNOG meetings provide opportunities for the exchange of technical
information and discussion of issues relating to the operation and
support of network services, with particular emphasis on New Zealand.
The conference is low priced and has a strong technical focus with the
aim and history of getting a strong turnout of technical personal from
New Zealand Internet orientated companies.
Conference Overview
NZNOG 2011 will consist of up to three days of workshops and tutorials followed
by two days of conference presentations. Â There will also be opportunity for
more informal and small lightening talks. These are typically around five
minutes long and are organised closer to the actual conference.
Important Dates
Call for Papers opens:       1 November  2010
Deadline for speaker submissions:  1 December  2010
Responses to speaker submissions:  7 December  2010
Draft program published:      15 December  2010
Final program published:      15 January  2011
NZNOG 2011 Conference:    26 - 29 January  2011
SIG / Miniconf / Tutorials / Workshops
In previous years we have had a single day of workshops and tutorials,
this year however we are looking at having up to three days of workshops
and tutorials, if we can get the submissions.
Examples of past activities workshops include 'MPLS and fixed access
networks for beginners', 'Mikrotik RouterOS Training', 'APNIC Internet
Resource Management Essentials', and a System Administrators
mini-conference which included talks on 'Using Debian packages for
system administration' and '42 hosts in 1U: Using virtual machines'.
Conference Presentations
The main conference program for 2011 will be made up of two days with a
single stream where possible. Presentations don't need to fit any particular
fixed length and can be from 30 minutes to 3 hours in length.
NZNOG conferences have traditionally spanned the entire operational spectrum,
and then some. Proposals for conference presentations are invited for
virtually any topic with a degree of relevance to the NZNOG community.
Past years' talks have included the following:
- Internet exchange operations
- Global anycast networks and the building thereof
- Peering, peering, and peering
- Network security
- 10GB ethernet operations
- How to build a router in these tough and difficult economic times
- Current Internet research in NZ
- Wireless networking
- QOS over carrier networks
- Content distribution networks and media streaming
- Open Source VoIP Platform in Carrier Environments
- Lawful Interception
- Designing networks for High Availability
- ISP scenarios for IPv6 deployment
- Monkeying around on the APE
Some ideas for this year also include the following:
- IPv6, been there done that
- DNS Security
- Routing Security
- Review of 2010
- IPSec
- Internet Filtering
- How Cloud Computing has impacted Network Design
If you are interested in submitting a talk please fill out the questions
at then end of this document and submit them to http://submission.nznog.org
Alternatively, you can and email them to talks(a)nznog.org
Submission Guidelines
When considering a presentation or SIG, remember that the NZNOG audience
is mainly comprised of technical network operators and engineers with a wide
range of experience levels from beginners to multi-year experience. There is
a strong orientation to offer core skills and basic knowledge in the SIGs
and to address issues relevant to the day-to-day operations of ISPs and
network operators in the conference sessions.
The inclusion of a title, bio, topic, abstract, and slides with proposals
is not compulsory but each will help us determine the quality of your
proposal and increase the likelihood it will be accepted.
Final slides are to be provided by 15 January 2011.
Note: While the majority of speaking slots will be submitted by 15
December 2010,
a limited number of slots may be available for presentations that are
exceptionally timely, important, or of critical operational importance.
The NZNOG conference is a TECHNICAL conference so marketing and commercial
content is NOT allowed within the program. The program committee is charged
with maintaining the technical standard of NZNOG conferences, and will
therefore not accept inappropriate materials. Â It is expected that the
presenter be a technical person and not a sales or marketing person. The
audience is extremely technical and unforgiving, and expects that the speakers
are themselves very knowledgeable. Â All sessions provide time for questions,
so presenters should expect technical questions and be prepared to deliver
insightful and technically deep responses.
Funding and Support
NZNOG conferences are community run and funded events that try to keep the
cost to attendees as low as possible so generally we are unable to pay the
travel costs of speakers. Â There is a limited amount of funding available to
international speakers.
Conference presenters will not have to pay any registration fee for the day
they are presenting. Discounts for SIG and lightning talk presenters may
be available but are not automatic.
Lightning talks
Lightning talks are short talks/presentations that last no more than 10
minutes. This is a good opportunity to get your pet topic out there or
perhaps to get some experience with presenting without having to go to a
full talk. At NZNOG 2011 it is planned that there will be at least one
hour long lightning talk session.
There are opportunities remaining for organisations to sponsor various
aspects of the NZNOG meeting.
Please contact sponsorship(a)nznog.org for more information
General Enquiries
 * info(a)nznog.org
Talks and Papers
 * http://submission.nznog.org
 * talks(a)nznog.org
Talk Proposals
Please submit all talk proposals (including lightning talks) via
http://submission.nznog.org or email talks(a)nznog.org along with the
requested information. Questions regarding talks can be sent to the same
Sponsorship may be available for a limited number of overseas speakers
to attend the conference, please indicate if you require assistance
with travel and/or accommodation.
Author's Full Name:
Author's Email Address:
Author's affiliation:
Author's short biography:
Title of Talk:
Length of talk:
Please provide details if a version of this talk has previously been given:
Will travel and accommodation assistance be required:
[Obligatory apology for duplicates...]
Asia Pacific Regional Internet Conference on Operational Technologies
15 - 25 February 2011, Hong Kong
The APRICOT 2011 Programme Committee is now seeking contributions for
Presentations and Tutorials for APRICOT 2011.
We are looking for people and proposals that would:
- Offer a technical tutorial on an appropriate topic; and/or
- Participate in the technical conference sessions as a speaker; and/or
- Convene and chair a Birds of a Feather (BOF) session.
Please submit proposals on-line at
Call for Papers Opens: 29 October 2010
First Deadline for Submissions: 29 November 2010
First Draft Programme Published: 6 December 2010
Final Deadline for Submissions: 4 February 2011
Final Programme Published: 11 February 2011
Final Slides Received: 19 February 2011
The APRICOT Programme is organised in three parts, including
workshops, tutorials and the conference. The APNIC Policy SIG and
Annual Members Meeting will be held during the APRICOT conference.
Topics for tutorials and conference would include amongst others
relevant to Internet Operations and Technologies:
- IPv4 / IPv6 Routing and operations
- IPv4 address runout / IPv6 deployment and transition technologies
- Backbone operations
- ISP and Carrier services
- Network security issues (NSP-SEC, DDoS Anti-Spam, Anti-Malware)
- Peering / IXPs
- Internet policy (Security, Regulation, Content Management,
Addressing, etc)
- Access and Transport Technologies, including broadband deployment,
Cable/DSL, wireless, WiMax, metro ethernet, fiber network, MPLS
- Content & Service Delivery (Multicast, Voice, Video, "telepresence",
Draft slides for both tutorials and conference sessions MUST be
provided with CFP submissions otherwise the Programme Committee will
be unable to review the submission. For work in progress, the most
current information available at time of submission is acceptable.
Final slides are to be provided by the specified deadline for
publication on the APRICOT website.
While the majority of speaking slots will be filled by the first
submission deadline, a limited number of slots may be available up to
the final submission deadline for presentations that are exceptionally
timely, important, or of critical operational importance.
Please submit on-line at
Any questions or concerns should be addressed to the Programme
Committee by e-mail.
We look forward to receiving your presentation proposals.
Jonny Martin & Mark Tinka
Co-Chairs, APRICOT Programme Committee
The third KSK ceremony for the root zone will take place in Culpeper,
VA, USA on Monday 2010-11-01. The ceremony is scheduled to begin
at 1300 local time (1700 UTC) and is expected to end by 1900 local
time (2300 UTC).
Video from Ceremony 3 will be recorded for audit purposes. Video
and associated audit materials will be published 1 to 2 weeks after
the ceremony, and will be available as usual by following the "KSK
Ceremony Materials" link at <https://www.iana.org/dnssec/>.
ICANN will operate a separate camera whose video will not be retained
for audit purposes, but which will instead be streamed live in order
to provide remote observers an opportunity to watch the ceremony.
The live stream will be provided on a best-effort basis. The live
video stream will be available at <http://dns.icann.org/ksk/stream/>.
Ceremony 3 will include processing of a Key Signing Request (KSR)
generated by VeriSign, and the resulting Signed Key Response (SKR)
will contain signatures for Q1 2011, for use in the root zone between
2011-01-01 and 2011-02-28.
We'd like to hear from you. If you have feedback for us, please
send it to rootsign(a)icann.org.
Dear Colleague,
This is to notify you that one or more objects in which you are
designated for notification have been modified in the NZRR routing
registry database.
These objects are used to configure the various NZIX route servers
(http://nzix.net/) so you can expect the relevant servers to be reloaded
in the near future. The reloading of the servers is staggered over a
period of time so that if you are peering with both servers at an
exchange, you can maintain at least one BGP session at all times and
consequently a full set of routes.
Diagnostic output:
route-set: AS9439:RS-ROUTES:AS45831
descr: advertised to AS9439 by Datalight Limited - AS45831
admin-c: RPA1-NZRR
tech-c: RPA1-NZRR
notify: rpsl-admin(a)nzix.net
notify: nznog(a)list.waikato.ac.nz
notify: davey(a)opto.net.nz
changed: rpsl-admin(a)nzix.net 20100721
source: NZRR
route-set: AS9439:RS-ROUTES:AS45831
descr: advertised to AS9439 by Datalight Limited - AS45831
admin-c: RPA1-NZRR
tech-c: RPA1-NZRR
notify: rpsl-admin(a)nzix.net
notify: nznog(a)list.waikato.ac.nz
notify: davey(a)opto.net.nz
changed: rpsl-admin(a)nzix.net 20101029
source: NZRR
Hey all,
I have an urgent (today/tomorrow) requirement for how to deliver a normal internet service in Singapore... most likely the downtown area.
Has anyone got any contacts or links to pricing - also maybe someone who can install a router configured in Australia.
I'm looking for a good download limit includes, or flat rate, with static IP a must.
Please reply off-list.
Skeeve Stevens, CEO
eintellego Pty Ltd - The Networking Specialists
skeeve(a)eintellego.net / www.eintellego.net
Phone: 1300 753 383, Fax: (+612) 8572 9954
Cell +61 (0)414 753 383 / skype://skeeve
www.linkedin.com/in/skeeve ; facebook.com/eintellego
eintellego - The Experts that the Experts call
- Juniper - HP Networking - Cisco - Arista -
Disclaimer: Limits of Liability and Disclaimer: This message is for the named person's use only. It may contain sensitive and private proprietary or legally privileged information. You must not, directly or indirectly, use, disclose, distribute, print, or copy any part of this message if you are not the intended recipient. eintellego Pty Ltd and each legal entity in the Tefilah Pty Ltd group of companies reserve the right to monitor all e-mail communications through its networks. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the message states otherwise and the sender is authorised to state them to be the views of any such entity. Any reference to costs, fee quotations, contractual transactions and variations to contract terms is subject to separate confirmation in writing signed by an authorised representative of eintellego. Whilst all efforts are made to safeguard inbound and outbound e-mails, we cannot guarantee that attachments are virus-free or compatible with your systems and do not accept any liability in respect of viruses or computer problems experienced.
Dear Colleague,
This is to notify you that one or more objects in which you are
designated for notification have been modified in the NZRR routing
registry database.
These objects are used to configure the various NZIX route servers
(http://nzix.net/) so you can expect the relevant servers to be reloaded
in the near future. The reloading of the servers is staggered over a
period of time so that if you are peering with both servers at an
exchange, you can maintain at least one BGP session at all times and
consequently a full set of routes.
Diagnostic output:
route-set: AS9439:RS-ROUTES6:AS4770
descr: Route set advertised to AS9439 by Iconz Ltd - AS4770
mp-members: 2001:F50:0:0:0:0:0:0/32^32-64,
admin-c: RPA1-NZRR
tech-c: RPA1-NZRR
notify: rpsl-admin(a)nzix.net
notify: nznog(a)list.waikato.ac.nz
notify: deon(a)iconz.net
changed: rpsl-admin(a)nzix.net 20100715
source: NZRR
route-set: AS9439:RS-ROUTES6:AS4770
descr: Route set advertised to AS9439 by Iconz Ltd - AS4770
mp-members: 2405:6000:0:0:0:0:0:0/32^32-64,
admin-c: RPA1-NZRR
tech-c: RPA1-NZRR
notify: rpsl-admin(a)nzix.net
notify: nznog(a)list.waikato.ac.nz
notify: deon(a)iconz.net
changed: rpsl-admin(a)nzix.net 20101028
source: NZRR
Dear Colleague,
This is to notify you that one or more objects in which you are
designated for notification have been modified in the NZRR routing
registry database.
These objects are used to configure the various NZIX route servers
(http://nzix.net/) so you can expect the relevant servers to be reloaded
in the near future. The reloading of the servers is staggered over a
period of time so that if you are peering with both servers at an
exchange, you can maintain at least one BGP session at all times and
consequently a full set of routes.
Diagnostic output:
route-set: AS9560:RS-ROUTES6:AS9503
descr: Route set advertised to AS9560 by FX Networks - AS9503
mp-members: 2402:6000:0:0:0:0:0:0/32^32-64,
admin-c: RPA1-NZRR
tech-c: RPA1-NZRR
notify: rpsl-admin(a)nzix.net
notify: nznog(a)list.waikato.ac.nz
notify: tim(a)fx.net.nz
changed: rpsl-admin(a)nzix.net 20100830
source: NZRR
route-set: AS9560:RS-ROUTES6:AS9503
descr: Route set advertised to AS9560 by FX Networks - AS9503
mp-members: 2402:6000:0:0:0:0:0:0/32^32-64,
admin-c: RPA1-NZRR
tech-c: RPA1-NZRR
notify: rpsl-admin(a)nzix.net
notify: nznog(a)list.waikato.ac.nz
notify: noc-minor(a)fx.net.nz
changed: rpsl-admin(a)nzix.net 20101028
source: NZRR