Anyone else get this type of reply from Cunliffe's office recently?... as if I'm going to open an attachment in an email
with the subject header "Attached image data".
I'm assuming its a reply of some sort to the "Better broadband" letter I sent them.
Ian Cousins, Wellington
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Attached image data.
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 10:16:03 +1200
From: Sandra Wilson <Sandra.Wilson(a)>
To: lyncus(a)
Sandra Wilson
[View More]Ministerial Secretary
Hon David Cunliffe
Phone: 04 470 6667
Fax: 04 471 2360
Email: Sandra.Wilson(a)
----- Forwarded by Sandra Wilson/minserv on 31/03/2006 10:15 am -----
GoschePhotocopier(a)minist To: SANDRA.WILSON(a)PARLIAMENT.GOVT.NZ
31/03/2006 10:21 am Fax to:
Subject: Attached image data.
This is image data from the scanner.(See attached file: Scan24.pdf)
No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.385 / Virus Database: 268.3.3/298 - Release Date: 30/03/2006
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This doesn't appear to have gone out properly first time so here it is again...
> Mark Foster wrote:
>Its a PDF. Theyre generally safe, arent they?
I know its a pdf but it was the manner in which it was sent that got to
me - no real header/subject and everyone knows NOT to open attachments
sent from unknown persons that you aren't expecting....
and as for this reply from Justin Cook:
> Looks like your standard network scanner/photocopier email. I don't
> think it's in …
[View More]response to anything, although it could always be a
> virus pretending to be a photocopier.
> If you wrote them a physical letter then it seems likely it was
> scanned and was meant to be sent to the MP in question but someone
> sent it to you instead. Go on, open it! :D
> *Justin Cook*
> Developer
I wonder if we really want our systems developed by someone with this
sort of appraoch..... BTW it wasn't a physical letter I sent - the
"Better Broadband" leeter was a form ;letter that I rewrote to cover the
points I wanted to make as an individual and as a business owner.
[View Less]
Last time I steal your bandwidth for this.
A mailing list to discuss the establishment of an NZ CERT
The issue of creating an NZ Computer Emergency Response Team has been
around for years. There are a bunch of ways that it can be done, a lot
of people that can be involved and ultimately a lot of dollars
required to make it work.
We raised the idea on behalf of the InternetNZ NZCERT task force on
the NZNOG and InternetNZ …
[View More]members-discuss lists last year. There was
some support for the idea, as well as some suggestions for the
creation of a local nsp-discuss like mailing list. While the nsp idea
is a good one, it doesn't address the issue of a NZ based Computer
Emergency Response Team (CERT)
In the recent MED discussion paper "A Strategic Consideration of ICT
Security and Confidence in New Zealand" on page 33 they state:
"1.Areas for further work would appear to include the following:
- Reviewing the need for the establishment of a national computer
emergency response team (CERT) and a mechanism for anonymous reporting
of security incidents;"
InternetNZ has created a NZCERT-discuss mailing list as one step in
the process of evaluating the need and way forward for a NZ based
CERT. A separate mailing list was created to allow those that were
interested to take part, and to stop using the bandwidth of the NZNOG,
members-discuss and other lists.
You are invited to join the NZCERT-discuss list by sending email to
Brendan Murray brendan(a)
The Observation Post
14 Centre Road Phone: +64-3-4543282
RD 2 Ocean Grove Fax: +64-3-4543285
Dunedin, New Zealand Mobile: +64-21-1153290
[View Less]
A few thoughts on the future of NZNOG that came to me after the meeting
closed on Friday. There is no direct operational content here.
First up, a big thank you to everybody who participated, the sponsers
and speakers, the many volunteers, and especially Lin, Peter, Mark, Joe
and Donald for organising an excellent show. With my sponsers hat on, I
can say that I think it was money well spent, even with Jonny hogging
the limelight :-).
1) where were the small Wellington ISP's?
GlobeNet, …
[View More]Actrix, DTS, Xtreme, LinuxNet, NZWireless - did you have staff
there? If not, why not? What would make you come along next time?
2) the content
I made the comment at the time that I wouldn't want to see more vendor
content. I realised afterwards that that wasn't strictly fair - we're
all vendors in one way or another, and some of the vendor presentations
were amongst the most interesting at the conference.
I think what I was driving at was "I don't want to watch vendors present
regurgitations of the whitepapers on their website", rather than
"vendors are evil, get behind me Satan". This conference will remain
relevant if you get information in it that you can't get anywhere else.
3) "is it technical enough?"
People who have interesting things to say or viewpoints to push (think
Paul Vixie and Geoff Huston in previous years, and Hamish Macewan this
year) are often the folks who leave a lasting impression, regardless of
their technical merit (or more often, lack thereof). Conversely, it'd
be a sorry conference if the occasional paper didn't sneak in that
needed more than high school math to understand - it's always good to
have a few papers that make you go "Huh? WTF is s/he talking about?".
So I'd like to make a case for "papers from people who know and care
about what they're talking about, regardless of whether they are
technical or not". Having said that, I wouldn't want the conference to
be any less technical, since the easiest way of meeting the above
criteria is to have reasonably technical presentations.
4) should we have a sysadmin stream?
If you want to run an SA stream to get more punters through the door,
then don't bother, it feels about the right size now. So a stream that
was concerned with Oracle DBA'ing, or virus scanning on desktop
machines, and which was clearly aimed at a different target user group
than the current attendees seems a little pointless.
Of course, it is naive to suggest that system administration and network
operations are somehow foreign to each other - most of us do elements of
both. So if there was a stream that was "system administration for
network operators" that could attract some interesting papers on (for
eg) nagios, or snmp daemons, or LDAP, or cool radius hacks, or asterisk,
or spam handling, or similar then I think I'd be all for it.
5) should we align with another conference/body?
If it makes it easier to run the gig by getting some support from the
likes of InternetNZ, then I'd be calm with that, it'd be a shame to see
this fail because of the burden on volunteers. However, this is now
clearly a successful and vibrant conference in its own right - I'm not
sure that running the conference in conjunction with something like
Govis would achieve anything positive.
6) should we publish proceedings?
Seems like a good idea if you want students/academics to participate
(something I think we should encourage), but it's yet another job for a
volunteer, to apply for the ISSN number, and put such a document
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------- Forwarded message follows -------
Sorry - I did follow up with a posting that got rejected and I'd left
office by then. It does need Real Player or equivalent, as the
audio/video is coming straight from ICANN, their encoding, their
On 29 Mar 2006 at 8:45, Juha Saarinen wrote:
> Nick Wallingford wrote:
> > There's a page with an IRC channel and the streaming audio/video of
> > the events in the Illot Theatre, where some of the activities of the
[View More]> > ICANN conference are happening.
> Hmm... need more coffee, or a bigger font. Read that as "... the events
> in the Idiot Theatre".
> > I'm hoping that the channel will be monitored through today's
> > sessions to take remote questions.
> >
> >
> Needs RealPlayer?
> --
> Juha
------- End of forwarded message -------
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There's a page with an IRC channel and the streaming audio/video of
the events in the Illot Theatre, where some of the activities of the
ICANN conference are happening.
I'm hoping that the channel will be monitored through today's
sessions to take remote questions.
Nick Wallingford
Announcing on behalf NZRS:
Due to a failure in one of the SRS sites, had to be
switched from one site to another. While DNS propogates, you may find
problems talking to Some registrar sites may be okay,
depending on exactly how they query whois (XML or using a name other
Should be all resolved in a few hours (since that's the TTL :) )
David Zanetti <david.zanetti(a)>
Team Leader, Systems Administration
[View More]Catalyst IT Limited
+64-4-8032233 +64-21-402260
[View Less]
Hi all,
Anyone had any dealings with Trying to get an iprange
removed, but they aren't replying to emails sent to removals(a)
Anyone got any contacts there?
Bill Walker, MCSE, MCP+I
Phone: +64 21 298 6741
Email: bill.walker(a)
ICQ: 4746863 MSN: msn(a)
In message <20060327104307.GA30241(a)>, Simon Blake writes:
>4) should we have a sysadmin stream?
As the person who suggested this (al beit with the prompting of Simon
Lyall who was hunting for ligntning talks!), I should say that the
motivation is more that there is a small, but growing, group of people
interested in reviving SAGE-NZ, who are looking for a conference venue.
There were quite a few New Zealanders at the System Administrators
miniconf at Linux.Conf.Au in …
[View More]Dunedin in January:
Many of them seemed interested in doing it again. But the next
Linux.Conf.Au is in Sydney, and so it's likely (based on past experience)
that not many of them will make the trip.
Since SAGE-NZ isn't really built up enough to run its own independent
conference the obvious solution is to find some appropriate existing
conference and run something in conjunction with that. NZNOG is an
obvious one because there's a reasonable overlap between those that
expressed an interest in "doing it again" and NZNOG attendees already.
And indeed between what a "system administrator" and a "network
administrator" does.
If NZNOG is not interested (or stronger, unwilling) to act as host
to such a miniconf then that's obviously understandable. But if it
is willing to act as host, then I think it'd be best seen as helping
SAGE-NZ out, perhaps getting a few more people to help organise things,
giving NZNOG attendees an option to learn more about the application layer,
and maybe coincidentally helping a few more people justify attending
(if only to themselves).
After some discussion with Simon Lyall, et al, I suspect the best
approach would be a one-day miniconf aligned with the NZNOG tutorial
day. That kind of miniconf approach has worked very well for
Linux.Conf.Au (which now has half a dozen of them regularly on the days
immediately prior to the main conference) and doesn't seem to noticably
distract people from the main conference.
But of course if y'all really hate the idea, then SAGE-NZ will need to
figure something else out.
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Suprised noone has commented today on the fact that it seems since before
lunch, Xtra have been deferring SMTP:
-- Sorry,_I_wasn't_able_to_establish_an_SMTP_connection._(#4.4.1)/
I figure some people must have some large queues?
Further, I believe mail from Xtra's network outbound is also being
queued/delayed (as i'm waiting for some.)
The whole engineering team can't be at NZNOG - surely!
(PS: Noted that still shows 'there are no known
problems on …
[View More]the Xtra Network' despite the fact I had the issue confirmed
by someone in their support team...)
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