Hi Folks,
The international component of NGI is up for grabs. It would be great for
New Zealand if as many capable ISPs as possible put in competitive bids. Due
date for proposals is 7 June. While I cannot find the document on the MoRST
site, it is available from GETS, ICN reference GM013391.
>From the doc:
"This document describes the requirements for the lease of managed
international network services for the New Zealand Advanced Network. These
requirements have been developed following a review of responses to an
earlier request (April, 2005) by the Project for an International
Connectivity Service
The Project may also consider:
. Offers for the purchase or lease of individual network components
only. These may then be used by the Project to provide its own
international network services.
. Any alternative network solutions that offer improved cost,
performance or other benefits. The Project welcomes innovative solutions or
enhancements, including sponsored capacity for R+E purposes."