Hi All,
Just wanted to give people a quick heads up on some spoofed emails that are
going around.
The email is to appear to come from admin@(company...), actually came from
bb220-255-58-109.singnet.com.sg, and asks them to read an attached document
(message.zip) else their account will expire.
I'm going to see if the zip file is quarantined if anyone wants to look
further, and its not exactly new but its been a while since I've seen it,
figured you may be wanting to let you users/clients know in case they
haven't learnt their lessons about this yet.
Steve Rielly
Security Engineer
Extranet Technologies Limited
Level 1, 60 Cook St, Auckland, New Zealand
P.O. Box 7726, Wellesley Street, Auckland, New Zealand
Ph: +64 9 3771122, Mob: 025 835530 Fax: +64 9 3771109