Hey Guys,
I know this has been asked many times in the past, both by other users of
this list and myself, yet I haven't had to do it for over 3 years now and
have unfortunately lost the contact details of those that used to help me
out from telecom in the past :)
Does anyone have a technical contact at telecom that looks after the Yahoo
MX servers to stop mail going to spam folders. In the past when I had
issues it used to come up with the standard deferral error and provide a
URL then later deliver the mail to users junk or spam folder. I used to log
a ticket using the yahoo web URL, wait until the silly yahoo people finally
responded and couldn't help, then involve telecom contact to bash (or
provide beer) the yahoo people with the ticket number I provided.
In this case I've recently migrated users from one outbound mail-relay to
a new one, the system has reverse DNS, is not listed on any blacklists, is
setup correctly, has been delivering mail for about 6 months but small
amounts. Now the server is taking on a lot more load of legitimate email,
in most cases doctors, pharmacy's & large corporates and the rest being
small businesses and mail isn't reaching it's destination.
Would appreciate any help on getting this resolved ASAP so patients of
chemists around the country can get notifications about their medication
being in stock or whatever it is pharmacy's email out.
Thanks in advance and apologize this has come up AGAIN, wish xtra would
just sort out the mail servers and not convict all mail servers as spammers
until proven non-guilty.
Offlist will be fine.
Many Thanks
Barry Murphy
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