Can someone knowledgable from Telecom/Xtra/Alcatel who is across Xtra's connectivity to the WIX layer2 please contact me offlist?
Tim Hoffman
To the NZNOG community:
After weeks of work discussing and addressing the concerns the NZNOG
members have raised about the DNSSEC Practice Statement for .nz, we'd
like to present a new version of the document.
Version 1.1 is available at http://www.nzrs.net.nz/dns/dnssec/dps
The changes between Version 1.0 and Version 1.1 are posted at
http://www.nzrs.net.nz/dns/dnssec/dps/history and also includes the
previous version in PDF format.
Minor changes have been made throughout the document.
The following sections have been updated with more information as
requested by the community
1.4. Document Management
4.1. Site Controls
4.3.3. Trusted individuals
4.4.5. Vulnerability assessments
4.6.1. Incident Detection and compromise handling procedures
7.1. Frequency of entity compliance audit
For the following sections we have made changes to our design to address
the concerns raised by the community
6.1. Key lengths and algorithms
4.3.1. Trusted roles
4.3.2. Number of persons required per task
We are still working on the Key Pair Generation procedures and it is our
intention to update that part of the DPS in the coming weeks and to also
publish more technical details on the Key Pair Generation Procedure. The
technical details will be released as a separate document that will also
include details of the scripts used.
The intention of the DPS document is to assist you in determining the
level of trust that you may assign to DNSSEC in the .nz domain and for
you to assess your own risk.
We'd like to encourage discussion around this new version of the
document. Please feel free to ask any questions about the DPS or provide
any suggestions for improvements to the document.
If you need to make a non-public comment, feel free to contact me or
Dave Baker (dave(a)nzrs.net.nz)
Sebastian Castro
DNS Specialist
.nz Registry Services (New Zealand Domain Name Registry Limited)
desk: +64 4 495 2337
mobile: +64 21 400535
Hey guys,
Wonder if anyone else has had problems with WXC over the last couple of
weeks to do with VoIP. We have a couple of suppliers but WXC has always
been great with support and quality. Last week one of our numbers suddenly
stopped working, when WXC looked into it, they found the number had been
relinquished and the fault may have been because it was a VFX line before
we ported it to our wholesale connection.
Today I've been getting random calls from customers (4 so far) where
numbers are not working, none of them we are receiving calls for and it
seems they have been relinquished too (they've worked for around 10 months)
as it appears WXC did a huge clean out. I can't get hold of anyone in
provisioning as they apparently "Dont speak to customers" so I'm wondering
if this is only us affected? I assume not as when I did manage to speak to
someone in provisioning this morning and I explained the situation he said
he was working on it, when I asked him to tell me the number he read out
another number, so I can only assume someone has made a big mistake and not
reconciled the active numbers and just canceled a whole lot. WXC can't tell
me how many other numbers may be at fault so our lower volume customers
that dont receive many calls wont even know their line is broken till
someone tells them and this could take days!
This may be a little off topic so I'll mention I bought a williams warn
home beer brewer (www.williamswarn.com), the beer is awesome, if someone
can fix this fault and explain to me whats happened I'm willing to offer
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purposes of the Electronic Transactions Act 2002.
Ok first off let me advise I'm usually a lurker but this case has me beat and I also need to confess to being no great
expert on running an email server...
Client A reports email missing from Client B - A is using an email address on my mail server office(a)srt.co.nz (not the
actual address) . B claims he is sending his email from MT(a)hotmail.co.nz ... not ever having heard of a .nz suffix for
Hotmail I tried to traceroute it - it doesn't resolve to anything "unable to resolve target system name hotmail.co.nz.
B insists that is his email address and that email gets to him ... after getting him to email me directly 1 checked the
email headers and noted the received from bay0-omc4-s4.bay0.hotmail.com - in fact the only mention of hotmail.co.nz is
where B has presumably set up his email client...
Question How is email getting to him at all - is there some sort of wizardry going on that resolves hotmail.co.nz to
hotmail.com that is not apparent when checking DNS , tracerouting or trying to browse to hotmail.co.nz?
-------- Original Message --------
From: - Sat Jul 09 13:58:45 2011
X-Account-Key: account7
X-UIDL: 00004d2c48c5dd89
X-Mozilla-Status: 0011
X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000
Return-Path: <MT(a)hotmail.co.nz>
X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.2.5 (2008-06-10) on webhostnz.com
X-Spam-Status: No, score=-2.6 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_00,HTML_MESSAGE autolearn=ham version=3.2.5
X-Original-To: webmaster(a)webhostnz.com
Delivered-To: webmaster.webhostnz(a)mail.webhostnz.com
Received: from mail.webhostnz.com (localhost []) by mail.webhostnz.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id CBE4D81AF for
<webmaster(a)webhostnz.com>; Fri, 8 Jul 2011 21:41:23 +1200 (NZST)
Received: by mail.webhostnz.com (Postfix, from userid 5001) id C5D568351; Fri, 8 Jul 2011 21:41:23 +1200 (NZST)
Received: from bay0-omc4-s4.bay0.hotmail.com (bay0-omc4-s4.bay0.hotmail.com []) by mail.webhostnz.com
(Postfix) with ESMTP id A20E181AF for <webmaster(a)webhostnz.com>; Fri, 8 Jul 2011 21:41:22 +1200 (NZST)
Received: from BAY149-W43 ([]) by bay0-omc4-s4.bay0.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4675); Fri, 8
Jul 2011 02:40:49 -0700
Message-ID: <BAY149-w43FCB105C3429A39520901E5400(a)phx.gbl>
X-Originating-IP: []
From: MT <MT(a)hotmail.co.nz>
To: SW <SW(a)paradise.net.nz>, <webmaster(a)webhostnz.com>
Subject: RE: SRT missing emails
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2011 21:40:49 +1200
Importance: Normal
In-Reply-To: <0868FD19-959C-4475-B3E9-6BA3D617A6E2(a)paradise.net.nz>
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 08 Jul 2011 09:40:49.0250 (UTC) FILETIME=[1EA34C20:01CC3D53]
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Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="=======AVGMAIL-3A4A79CC======="
Happy to receive replies direct...
Ian Cousins
2011 Global IPv6 Survey Now Open
HI NZNOG Community,
The IPv6 Deployment Monitoring Survey is now online, and we encourage
all members of the APNIC community to participate. The survey is
available here:
This survey is designed by GNKS Consult in collaboration with TNO and
the RIPE NCC, based on a design originally by ARIN/CAIDA in 2008, and
has been carried out in 2009 with the support of the RIPE NCC and APNIC,
and globally, with support from the NRO.
The purpose of the survey is to develop a better understanding of where
the community is moving, and what can be done to ensure the Internet
community is ready for the widespread adoption of IPv6. There has been
little change to the survey since it was carried out in 2009 which will
make comparison of progress possible.
We encourage all organizations to participate in this survey, which we
hope will establish a comprehensive view of present IPv6 penetration and
future plans for IPv6 deployment. The survey is composed of 23 questions
and can be completed in about 15 minutes. For those without IPv6
allocations or assignments, or who have not yet deployed IPv6, the
questions will be fewer in number.
For more information about results of previous versions of the survey
you can review our news article at:
The survey will close on 31 July 2011. On behalf of APNIC and GNKS
Consulting, we thank you for your time and interest in completing this
survey. If you have any questions concerning the survey, please send an
email to:
Srinivas (Sunny) Chendi email: sunny(a)apnic.net
Senior Community Engagement Specialist sip: sunny(a)voip.apnic.nethttp://www.apnic.net phone: +61 7 3858 3100
Join my twitter https://twitter.com/ap_sunny
Dear Colleague,
This is to notify you that one or more objects in which you are
designated for notification have been modified in the NZRR routing
registry database.
These objects are used to configure the various NZIX route servers
(http://nzix.net/) so you can expect the relevant servers to be reloaded
in the near future. The reloading of the servers is staggered over a
period of time so that if you are peering with both servers at an
exchange, you can maintain at least one BGP session at all times and
consequently a full set of routes.
Diagnostic output:
route-set: AS9560:RS-ROUTES:AS9500
descr: advertised to AS9560 by Vodafone - AS9500
admin-c: RPA1-NZRR
tech-c: RPA1-NZRR
notify: rpsl-admin(a)nzix.net
notify: nznog(a)list.waikato.ac.nz
notify: acob.Winther(a)vodafone.com
changed: rpsl-admin(a)nzix.net 20110708
source: NZRR
route-set: AS9560:RS-ROUTES:AS9500
descr: advertised to AS9560 by Vodafone - AS9500
admin-c: RPA1-NZRR
tech-c: RPA1-NZRR
notify: rpsl-admin(a)nzix.net
notify: nznog(a)list.waikato.ac.nz
notify: jacob.Winther(a)vodafone.com
changed: rpsl-admin(a)nzix.net 20110708
source: NZRR
Dear Colleague,
This is to notify you that one or more objects in which you are
designated for notification have been modified in the NZRR routing
registry database.
These objects are used to configure the various NZIX route servers
(http://nzix.net/) so you can expect the relevant servers to be reloaded
in the near future. The reloading of the servers is staggered over a
period of time so that if you are peering with both servers at an
exchange, you can maintain at least one BGP session at all times and
consequently a full set of routes.
Diagnostic output:
route-set: AS9560:RS-ROUTES:AS9500
descr: advertised to AS9560 by Vodafone - AS9500
admin-c: RPA1-NZRR
tech-c: RPA1-NZRR
notify: rpsl-admin(a)nzix.net
notify: nznog(a)list.waikato.ac.nz
notify: jacob.winther(a)gmail.com
changed: rpsl-admin(a)nzix.net 20110708
source: NZRR
route-set: AS9560:RS-ROUTES:AS9500
descr: advertised to AS9560 by Vodafone - AS9500
admin-c: RPA1-NZRR
tech-c: RPA1-NZRR
notify: rpsl-admin(a)nzix.net
notify: nznog(a)list.waikato.ac.nz
notify: acob.Winther(a)vodafone.com
changed: rpsl-admin(a)nzix.net 20110708
source: NZRR