We are getting lots of requests at the moment trying to log into one of
our box's via SSH. It happens in 20 minute bursts, with a new request
being tried every 6s. After the 20 minutes it goes away for 8 hours.
It appears to be a straight dictionary attack, with the attempts cycling
though usernames like root, user, test, john, henry, george, frank,
alan, adam, server, backup, account, master, sybase, oracle, web, data,
webmaster, noc, cip51, cip52, cosmin, pamela, jane, adm, irc, apache,
operator, mysql, www-data, matt, www, wwwrun, cyrus, horde, iceuser,
rolo, patrick, nobody.
It spends most of its time trying to login as root.
The requests are mostly coming from Russia, with a couple of other IP's
from other countries.
The device they are attempting to log into is not advertised in anyway,
so was probably picked up during a normal port scan.
For the moment I've limited connections to the box for SSH to only be
accepted over IPSec, so that's the end of the login attempts.
I guess what I'm posting this for is to make sure everybody has a good
password policy in place. Someone is actively trying to compromise
accounts via SSH.